
Fall Recipe for Babies: Compote with autumn fruits & spices

October 29, 2021

Fall Recipe for Babies: Compote with autumn fruits & spices

Make way for autumnal sweetness with this easy recipe, ideal for initiating your baby's palate to spices.  This compote recipe works with one of the most iconic fruit of autumn: grapes.  Grapes are usually at their best between August to October, making them the perfect central ingredient in this recipe. 

Ingredients for 2 portion of autumn compote:

  • 3 golden apples
  • 1 banana
  • 1 handful of grapes
  • 1 half vanilla pod
  • 1 knife point of cinnamon powder

1. Peel the fruit, and remove the seeds from the grapes.

2. Split the half vanilla bean in half lengthwise and scrape the seeds.

3. Cook the fruit with the spices according to your favourite cooking method:
- In a special baby steamer
- In a saucepan over very low heat
- In the microwave

4. Once cooked, mix the fruit, and add more or less cooking juices according to the consistency preferred by your baby.  For bigger kids who like chunks, you can even just mash the fruit with a fork.

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