
5 Tips for Surviving the Heatwave When You're Pregnant

July 12, 2021

5 Tips for Surviving the Heatwave When You're Pregnant

Summer can be absolutely wonderful: beach trips, road trips, picnics, hikes, aperitif on the terrace and walks in the forest… but for the pregnant women, “ heat waves” can quickly become “I feel like I'm in a furnace”… But do not panic!  Sometimes it only takes a few adjustments to make things a little more comfortable.  So take a deep breath, and follow these 5 tips to endure the heat when you're pregnant.

1. Stay hydrated!

This might seem very obvious, but it's absolutely unavoidable. Although it is generally recommended that you drink lots of water when you are pregnant… this advice is even more valid during a heat wave! 


  • Always keep a bottle of water handy when traveling. The idea is to drink at least 2 liters of water in a day.
  • Not a fan of chugging gallons of water? Try flavoured. You can flavour the water you drink with herbs or fresh fruit, like this   Watermelon Detox Water recipe.
  • Hydration also passes through the skin… so after a good cool shower, apply a little  moisturizing milk  to keep your skin hydrated (take the opportunity to ask the future dad for a little massage on the areas that you cannot reach. He's more likely to feel called upon and involved in your pregnancy!)

2. Rest!

While this advice may seem obvious, but it's always a good idea to remind expectant mothers that they need to take it easy.  A pregnant woman gets tired more quickly, so when it is very hot, adopt “minimum service”. 
Tip:    Delegate, get help from your spouse and loved ones and above all take care!

3. Take care of your heavy legs!

Towards the end of ones pregnancy, the legs can swell and become heavier, and even more so during a heat wave!


  • Elevate your legs when lying down for better circulation. 
  • Give yourself small massages starting from the knees to the ankles.
  • Step out and stretch your legs during the cooler hours of the day.

4. Keep her house cool!

In the event of a proven heatwave, the temperature only drops very little at night and you have to know how to adopt the right reflexes to keep a little cool at home: 

  • Ventilate at dawn and / or at night, when the mercury begins to drop
  • During the day, keep windows and shutters closed
  • Always keep a fogger with you
  • Sit in the coolest room of the house
  • Invest in an air conditioner or a fan

5. Protect yourself from the sun!

Sun and pregnant woman do not go well together ... But if you want to take your walk in the sun, protect yourself as much as possible to avoid “pregnancy masks”, those famous brown spots that can appear on the face of pregnant women.


  • Apply an index 50 sunscreen
  • Wear a well-covering hat
  • Opt for approved sunglasses.

With all these tips and advice, you are now ready to have a great summer and fully enjoy every moment of your pregnancy!

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